Brightstar - an active agitator in the WA gold fields
Most of last week was consumed by the RIU Sydney Resources Roundup Conference. That is now well entrenched as the best East Coast gathering of exploration and emerging mining companies. There is never enough time to visit every company, but I always come away with new stories that are worth following up on. I have had to make room for these so I have deleted chart coverage of a number of other companies that may still have merit, but no urgency about them.
This is consistent with the advice that I have been giving many investors in recent weeks, especially to those who are depressed and despondent about the non-performance of dogs in their portfolios. You can't participate in the turnaround of the market if you are being weighed down by stocks that are not performing. You have to ditch these and get onto the new ones where there is optimism and enthusiasm that will pull in new buyers. Then you can start to feel like a winner again.
Brightstar stands out from the pack of smaller companies talking about being beneficiaries of consolidation by being the agitator. Initially it is already having its ore being toll treated in the Gwalia mill. The next step will be the recommissioning of its Laverton mill.