Antilles Gold in Cuba being is overlooked in the market
The best thing you can say about the smaller end of the market is that it is hanging in thereÂ, though seeing the red in the screen on Thursday made me think it was hanging by the neck! The big stocks are doing relatively well and the All Ords is healthy, but there is no enthusiastic buying for the smaller end. That should not be a surprise given the impending close of the financial year and the flood of equity raisings. Yet, it is stronger than many other years in the month of June.
The discussion on the move to higher interest rates has meant that the gold price isn't doing us any favours, with movements in recent weeks resembling a game of snakes and ladders. Last week's fall has wiped out most of the gains of this year. Similarly the copper price has surrendered some of its previous gains.This week we saw the news that China intends to release product from stockpiles in an effort to combat rising prices, but how often does this really work?
In the quest to find stocks that haven't yet had their day in the sun we recently came across Antilles Gold (AAU), a company that was previously known as Panterra Gold.